Phunware Homepage
The initial point of contact for prospective clients exploring Phunware is the company's homepage. This presents a unique challenge as Phunware operates in two distinct industries, healthcare and hospitality. Our objective was to develop compelling messaging and a visual style that resonates with both healthcare and hospitality audiences. We opted to emphasize a common goal shared by both sectors—providing the best possible experience to their customers, fostering loyalty and return business.
Centering our approach around the "People First" concept, we illustrated how brands can maintain consistent communication and effortlessly guide patients and guests to their desired destinations, thereby minimizing confusion and frustration. A shared pain point in both industries is customers getting lost. Hospitals often suffer from the complexities of navigation, leading to missed appointments, delays, and lost revenue. Similarly, large resorts encounter challenges, sometimes assigning dedicated staff solely for giving directions to guests as they navigate the property.
Our focal point in Phunware's messaging centered on its innovative wayfinding solution, a proprietary feature offering turn-by-turn directions comparable to Google or Apple Maps. This solution addresses the navigation challenges faced by both hospitals and resorts, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience for patients and guests alike.